

Hi everyone, I am Teacher Happy. Today I am going to share with you about the development of Ferry Service of Shanghai, and the Lujiazui stampede accident in 1987.

说到上海轮渡,我们可以追溯到 100 多年前的 1910 年。当时的浦东塘工善后局租赁小船载乘客往返浦江两岸,成为上海最早的官办轮渡。到了民国36年,政府成立了上海市轮渡股份公司,拥有了客渡船 9 艘,车渡船 1 艘。 1949 年上海解放时,有 4 条客度线,一条车渡线。到了 1950 年,客渡1634 万人次,车渡 3. 4 万辆次。随着经济的发展,特别是改革开放之后,上海浦江两岸的人流量急剧增加,每天的车流量高达 1. 9 万辆次,每天的客流量更是高达105 万人次。 浦东、浦西人员往来需求的剧增,给当时的交通设施带来了前所未有的压力。车辆渡事故连连上升。 1986 年,发生交通事故107 起,车物直接损失 7. 4 万余元。到了 1987 年,更是上升为了 168 起,车物损失到了 10 万余元。而到了 1988 年,猛增至 245 起,损失 133 万元。更是发生了令人震惊的上海陆家嘴码头踩踏事故,造成了 66 人死亡。

The Shanghai Ferry Services can date back to 1910. The Tanggong Rehabilitation Bureau chartered many small boats to carry passengers between Pudong and Puxi, and became the very first official ferry services in Shanghai history. When it comes to the 36th year of Republic of China, the government established the Shanghai Ferry Service Joint Stock Company which had 9 passenger boats, and 1 vehicle boats. With the development of economy, especially after the issue of open and reform policy, the transportation volume soared in just a short period of time with a daily volume of 1.05 million. All of which had caused an unprecedented pressure on the existing infrastructure. There were also constant accidents happening. In 1986, there were 107 cases happened, when it comes to 1987, the number goes to 168; what’s worse, in just 2 years, the accidental cases increased more than 2 times and reached 245 cases in total, which also led to the Lujiazui Stampede accident.

1987 年 12 月 10 日清晨,上海市的母亲河黄浦江上骤起大雾,整个江面上仿佛笼罩了一层纱帐,远近灯光难辨,能见度在 30 米以内。按照上海市安全航行有关条例,能见度在 100 米以内,黄浦江上所有航行的船只必须停航。这时正是上班高峰时间,大量市民等候在轮渡站的浮桥和候船室内,焦急地等待着轮渡开航。 上午 9 时,浓雾渐渐的散去了,轮渡有望开航。这时在陆家嘴轮渡站已聚集了 3- 4万渡江心切赶着上班的乘客,码头上等着上船的队伍绵延数百米。 9: 10,当第二班轮渡航开航时,在码头上等着上班的乘客拥挤着往床上船上赶,大量的自行车与行人混杂在一起,秩序极为混乱。突然,一个中年人连同他的自行车一起被拥挤的人流挤倒,然后就有两个、 3 个、 4 个人被挤倒,后来者踩着这些地倒地的人冲向前方,一起惨获,在 5 分钟时间内酿成了。此时在轮渡站值班的工作人员亦是要出人命,请求公安部门及紧急救助抢救伤员,并立即从马路上拦车将伤员分送到附近了上海市第一人民医院,上海市第三人民医院和黄埔区中心医院。在这次事故中共死亡 66 人,重伤 2 人, 20 多人受轻伤。

In the morning of December 10 of 1987, the weather was very foggy on Huangpu River, the mother river of Shanghai. The whole river was covered by the gauzed fog and made it very hard to identify things. The vision was under 30 meters. In according to the regulation of Shanghai Transport Safety Manual, if the vision were under 100 meters, all ferry services along the river shall be hold till the weather conditions becomes better. It was the peak hour, and a large number of people were waiting anxiously in the hall. When the clock ticks to 9 am, the fog faded out, and the ferry service was about to resume. At that time, there were already 30,000-40,000 passengers waiting at the Lujiazui station, and the line of people was hundreds of meters long. Around 9:10 am, when the second ferry ship departed, the passengers waited at the station become very crowed with many bicycles and people mixed together. Suddenly, an adult along with his bicycle fell down by the crowd, and then two adults, three adults, and more and more passengers had fallen down. Within just 5 minutes, the accident caused 66 deaths, 2 heavily injured, and 20 wounded.

根据一位死里逃生的乘客事后回忆,前面一辆自行车倒下了,他又被绊倒了,跟着一下子倒了十几个人,但后面的人并不知道前面发生了什么,所以还是往前拥。他被人绊倒后,人们已经无法控制自己的脚步,有的倒在他的身旁,有的在压在了他的身上,有的从他的身上踩了过去。后来他什么也不知道了,醒来后已经躺在医院里了。 检讨事故发生的原因,不外乎没有紧急事故的处置预案,所以没有及时疏散人群,电视广播没有及时发布大雾的气象及轮渡停航的信息,还有奖金制度也是造成事故的主因,因为职工迟到一次,不但又要扣除当月的奖金,引起连锁反应的是还要扣除季度奖、年度奖。在收入很低的 1987 年,这是一笔不少的数字,这是人们无论如何不愿迟到的根本原因。此后,市政府发了一个内部文件,凡是因大物轮渡停航,职工一律不做迟到,一旦起雾,电台电视做滚动报道,从此再也没有出哪怕是类似的小事故。 从上面的分享中,我们知道上海的交通的发展,除了国家和政府层面的优秀规划之外,还有更多的是我们在民间层面经济发展和人员往来的迫切需求所带来的压力。 那么今天我们就先讲到这里,记得关注开心老师的后续节目,拜拜。

Based on the memory of a survivor, a bicycle in front of him fell down, then he got stumbled by it, and all of a sudden, dozens of people all fell down. However, the people behind did not recognize how severe the situation was, and they kept moving forward and forward. Some of them fell down beside him, and some people fell onto his body. Then he became unconscious, and when he woke up, he was already lying on the bed. In the investigation of the cause of the accident, the reasons are very simple, the lack of a comprehensive response plan, the untimely notice from the TV and the radio, as well as the rewarding system. As an employee in Shanghai, if you were late for one time, you not only would lose your monthly bonus, your seasonal financial rewards would also be revoked. Back to 1987, this was a huge amount of money, no wonder people were fighting hard to try to get on the ferry boat.